
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Painting: Desde la Carcel Del Cielo-From Jail on the Sky

Desde la Carcel Del Cielo 36"x48" 5-2014, acrylic on canvas

Cuando estemos en la cárcel de la vida
Enserados como animals
Reflexionando todo el daño que hicimos
Ni la Luz nos visita!
Ni ilumina nuestro espacio
Y expuestos al cielo estaremos
Para que nos vea a los ojos
Y nos agarre del buche
 Y nos haga recordar nuestra culpa
When were are found in life's jail
Locked like animals
Reflecting all the harm we have done
Light will not visit us!
Nor illuminate our space
We will be exposed to the sky
For it to look at us in the eyes
And grasp us by the neck
And make us remember our fault

Saturday, May 17, 2014


he did once guided me to truth
and never looked back
to come and contemplate
my spirit of broken pieces
collected in the earth
as they laid in the mid afternoon
imploring the clouds
for life and strength
for water and shadow
by gaap

light in the shadows

if there is light in the shadows
of war and decay
of wealth and power
of politics and greed
then life will occult until
the spirit of humanity
will suffocate and close its eyes
waiting it will be
to see light no more
and it will inhale its expanded ideas
of philosophical beliefs
of told stories
and yesterday's dreams
of hope lost
to never see the sky again
nor touch the humid earth
or comb its arid skin color
through the hands of the farmer
of souls and the spirit of life

by gaap

new hope

light of life
illuminate the morning
on the day of my birth
for i will illuminate you
for the rest of my light

sink all these ships on the horizon
they bring liberty and new ideas
to revolt against the earth
and the skies who created us

light of life
here you will find me
to accommodate the darkness
and malignant spirits
that evoke a new future
a new life

we will never see  the leaves fall
for they will remain dormant
their spirit ssearching for the new light
that will give them rebirth
and a new purpose under the gray sky

by gaap


Friday, May 16, 2014

whale shark pollution glider sketch

This is the first sketch trying to describe the Whale Shark Pollution Glider. Its engine will be powered by the sun, thus the exterior skin is composed of resistive PV membrane. Air particles or pollution agents will enter its mouth and be collected as it glides over the skies of the metropolis. Filter membranes will be the collecting pollution particles.

Swimming with Whale Sharks

We have all the solutions on earth, and inspired by nature. We just have to carefully look for them. This is my first presentation for the Whale Shark Pollution Cleaning Project.